
How Social Media Detox Can Prevent A Burnout by Praveena Venugopal

Do you aimlessly scroll through social media apps every morning? Have you been stalking your ex, lately? Perhaps, you’ve closed Instagram and reopened it the very next second because you’re bored… again?

You’re not alone. According to Hammerkopf Consumer Survey, Indians spent more than a whopping five hours a day on social media since lockdown. Besides social media, there also seems to be a significant increase in streaming service membership. There’s a 72% hike in overall internet browsing since March, according to the survey findings. It’s no surprise that this sudden increase in consumption could lead to burning out.

What is a Social Media Burnout?

Owing to the lack of human interaction, people have turned to social media to keep them engaged during the pandemic. This often results in over-consumption of our smartphones or other electronic devices. The emotional fatigue and exhaustion caused due to social media addiction are considered burnout.

Here are a few symptoms of addiction:

1.     Using social media, undisturbed, for an extended period.

2.     Feeling restless without it.

3.     Using social media as a distraction from personal problems.

4.     Constant urge to scroll and get updates through different platforms.

5.     Keeping you away from what you should be doing. (Eg. work, hobby, studies)

6.     Seeking validation through social media platforms.

7.     Replacing human interactions with social media.

8.     FOMO when you’re not part of it.

If you can relate to this, you should consider a social media detox.

What is a Social Media Detox?

A detox would mean cutting off from social media entirely or regulating your usage. Here are some of the benefits of staying off your devices:

Whole Lotta Time

One of the first things you’ll notice when you begin the detox is that you have a lot of time on your hands. The days almost feel longer without attending to every notification sound. Think about how you can switch up your routine and try new things during this time.

Better Memory

Scientist’s studies at UCSF revealed that distractions and interruptions affect the working memory. Your recollection is slower and the use of electronic devices, that are now portable, may affect one’s cognitive functions.

Achieve your state of flow

Contrary to popular belief, multitasking isn’t the most efficient way to conquer your to-do lists. Dr Meyer, Professor of Psychology, states that humans are good at balancing tasks that use unrelated physical and mental resources, but when the tasks get more challenging, requiring more engagement and creativity, you might want to slow down or you’ll start making errors. Turns out, listening to music, while writing an important email, and replying to your friends on Whatsapp, doesn’t do justice to any of those tasks.


Social media can be used to enhance existing relationships and starting new ones, but when you substitute interactions in real life with that online, you find yourself feeling more lonely. Taking a break can encourage you to connect to others in person and also give you time to be with yourself. Who knows? You might enjoy taking a walk instead.

Better Self esteem

With Instagram and Pinterest’s homepage being filled with happy faces, it’s quite easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others. Be it a fitness influencer you admire, or a fashion blogger, consuming too much positivity and ‘filtered’ content online can be self-sabotaging. Social media has also been an outlet for people who seek validation. Both comparing yourself to others and putting your self-worth in the hands of others can be damaging to your self-esteem.

Get Rid of ‘FOMO’

As much as we don’t want to admit it, most of us are still part of inactive WhatsApp groups or keep checking Instagram stories, hoping to never ‘miss out’ when something happens. When you prepare to detox, you let go of the ‘Fear Of Missing Out. Having control over what and when you consume social media, is a great way to not let the content consume you, instead.

Live in the moment

Bear with me, as cliché as this sounds, cutting away from social media helps you savour the moment. Whether you’re eating something you enjoy, your dog just cuddled up to you, or you’re staring at the big blue sky, try and resist posting about it. Instead, take a deep breath, take at the moment and, truly, experience it. Be aware and present. It is not to say you will learn lesser if you took a second to capture the moment. But, asking yourself ‘why‘ you’re doing it, can be quite insightful. So, maybe for once, we #DontDoItForTheGram?

How Do I Detox?

With lockdown forcing us to work from home, it might be hard to completely cut away from all technology. Maybe social media is how you make your living, or your job requires you to be active on slack or email. What then?

  • Identify how many hours you invest on Twitter, or Instagram, aimlessly scrolling. Here’s how you can find out.

  • Except using social media for work purposes, cut off or regulate your usage.

  • If you can’t install the apps, set the usage limit on your apps on your android and ios devices. Switch on only important notifications or limit your time spent to certain hours of the day. Eg. use social media from 6-7 pm every day or strictly no social media on Sundays.

  • Inform your friends and family. This way, they would only reach out when it’s a necessity and aren’t worried.

  • Have a plan. Although this isn’t a strict requirement, having a rough idea of what you’re looking forward to doing, will help avoid frustration or restlessness. Eg. reading, taking up a course, painting, taking the time to cook your meals, practising yoga or meditation. This list depends on you!

  • Find alternative ways to stay informed.

If you’re still struggling to keep your hands away from your phone. Here are some tips that might help:

  • Leave your phone behind when you step out (or even on your bathroom trips).

  • Change your wallpaper to a reminder to stay off your phone.

  • Find substitute devices to your phone - a real alarm clock or stopwatch, books, news apps, etc.

  • Get a buddy to go on this adventure with you! So, you can keep track and encourage each other.

  • Stick a post-it reminder on your phone or use the rubber band trick (having a physical obstacle, can help you stop and think)


The journey of your detox depends on you. Don’t forget to remind and reward yourself for doing good. The trick is to not set a time limit or a deadline to get back to ‘normalcy. Do so whenever it feels right. For some that might mean giving up social media a few days of the week and others, a whole new lifestyle where you don’t rely too much on your devices. Whichever you choose, I’m sure, it will leave you feeling refreshed and healthier. Good luck!